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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2016-3-24 10:22:46  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

公司总部设立于北京,公司成立以来,始终秉承“尽善尽美,精益求精,诚信为本,客户至上”的企业宗旨,通过富有经验的管理和专业的操作团队为客户提供安全、快捷、低成本的一站式优质服务。 业务范围涉及:进出口海运、空运、陆运、整箱、拼箱、大宗散杂货、特种货物、物流项目等 公司通过自己的优良服务,在航运界确定了主要地位,在激烈的市场竞争中始终立于不败之地。公司凭借良好的企业信誉,全新的经营理念和持续增长的经营业绩赢得了国内外广大客户的支持与信赖。空运出口:
◇  Exports by air:
Based on the long-term cooperation with several airlines, we can provide the client with suitable air transportation solutions and services. In the practical operation, we can provide services such as customs clearance, inspection, insurance, space booking, paper-work process and door-to-door services. Beside the ordinary products, we can also provide transportation services for dangerous, fresh and living or large-size goods.
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