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离岸海运价 | |
作者:佚名 文章来源:本站原创 点击数 更新时间:2020-8-13 9:22:49 文章录入:admin 责任编辑:admin | |
公司依托自身在国际海运、空运行业的业务优势,将国际间私人行李的进出口业务发展成为一项为客户量身定做的专业服务,根据私人物品的特点,为客户制定最佳运输操作流程。同时,可提供定制运输包装,上门取货,内陆运输,仓储,报关报检,熏蒸等一条龙服务。私人物品运输不受件数、重量、体积的限制,价格低廉,采用集装箱运输可以保证您货物的安全。不必您亲自动手办理复杂的手续,我司将派出专业的人员及车队为您服务。 FOB: 定价: Seaborne imports: Our international freight more perfect through its network of foreign agents, importers imported for domestic shipping services. According to customer requirements, the departure port arrangement container transport, the port of destination in the country to provide FCL delivery, unpacking and distribution, customs clearance, land and air transport and other services. Bulk transportation: Our international freight cooperation with domestic and foreign shipowners, agents chartering, providing China to the world's bulk cargo ocean transportation services.
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