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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2021-2-17 10:39:31  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

 Transporting dangerous goods is a complex procedure and requires detailed understanding and knowledge of the relevant regulations. Our staff is Dangerous Goods Certified, and our operation is subject to a strict standard procedure to ensure safety and total compliance with all legal requirements. The extensive operational capabilities we possess guarantee we can meet demands of different clients.

We are proficient in classes 2.1、2.2、2.3、3、4.1、4.2、4.3、5.1、5.2、6.1、8 and 9 of dangerous goods, accordingly we can handle dangerous goods and hazardous materials as variety as gases, flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizing substances, toxic and infectious substances, corrosives and miscellaneous dangerous goods. As a traditional logistics service supplier with professional experience in operation of LCL, FCL, air, warehousing and container depot, our logistics capacity of dangerous goods comprises a wide range of service on both national and international level including dangerous goods transportation, packing and warehousing, relevant documentation, business consultancy, one-stop solution, and etc. With a strong agent network abroad, we are well placed to deliver service globally.
We strive to provide highest-level service in the dangerous goods logistics industry; client satisfaction always continues the primary benchmark of our performance.属于国际货运进口货物遭受损失,我国进口方向保险公司提出进出口货运保险索赔申请。当进口货物运抵我国港口、机场或内地后发现有残损短缺时,应立即通知当地保险公司,会同当地国家商检部门联合进行检验。若经确定属于保险责任范围的损失,则由当地保险公司出具《进口货物残短检验报告》。同时凡对于涉及国外发货人、承运人、港务局、铁路或其它第三者所造成的货损事故责任,只要由收货人办妥向上述责任方的追偿手续,保险公司即予赔款。但对于属于国外发货人的有关质量、规格责任问题,根据保险公司条款规定,保险公司不负赔偿责任,而应由收货人请国家商检机构出具公证检验书,然后由收货单位通过外贸公司向发货人提出索赔。

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